Shooting Stars Dodecatheon meadia Native Woodland Wildflowers 20 Bulbs - $18 - (Beersheba Springs, TN)
20 Shooting Stars Dodecatheon meadia Native Woodland Wildflower BULBS You are buying 20 Shooting Stars Wildflower bulbs for $17.99 Hardiness zones 4-8Soil: rich wooded damp slopes and probably would do well in mulched bedsLight requirements: Half sun/ Half shadeMature Plant Size: 10-12" tall, 10-12" wideBloom Time: Late Spring to early SummerShooting Stars are bee friendly and work in small spaces! Shooting Star is a hardy perennial wildflower native to North America with striking blooms that appear in late spring. Delicate, dart-like blossoms with peeled-back petals dangle from tall stems and vary in shades of white (most common) and pink (less common). Two colorful bands of deep purple and golden yellow circle the base of each flower. A simply exceptional addition to shady spots.

From - 1 month ago