Valentine One 1 V1 Radar Detector V1.85 w/ ESP and Junk K Fighter 2019 Model - $370 - (Seward, NE)
The valentine one is the best radar detector on the market and has saved me from many tickets. Under ideal conditions I have actually had this pick up a radar source in excess of 1 mile away. The firmware version is 1.85 w/ ESP Improved Euro Mode, Traffic Monitor Filter and Junk-K Fighter. This unit has the traffic monitoring filter which is a software algorithm designed to eliminate the false alarms caused by SpeedInfo, a traffic flow-measuring system being installed along some U. S. highways, which sends frequent K-band radar bursts into the traffic stream and the Junk K Fighter which eliminates false alarms from blind spot monitoring systems in some new cars. This is the most current model available from Valentine One and I have already activated the Junk-K fighter. This unit has been custom programmed to improve Ka Band (most dangerous band) detection. Custom sweeps have been set up to detect radars operating on frequencies of 33.8 GHz, 34.7 GHz and 35.5 GHz which are the most commonly used frequencies. This V1 has been tested using a multiple K band radars and a 34.7 GHz Ka Band radar. It comes with the windshield mount and a brand new straight power cord. UPGRADE PROPOSAL FOR YOUR Serial Number 6282171184 Your V1 does have built-in Junk-K Fighter

From - 1 month ago