Grant Writing Class - N.A. - (Warminster, PA)
Grant WritingA hands-on workshop course (Special Discount $99, Regular $160) Course Description: A step by step hands on course that covers all the necessary aspects of writing a successful grant including the researching of funders, building, organizing and customizing proposals. Course material includes a preparation checklist, a glossary of terms, details on finding funders by type, sample proposals, letters and budgets. No previous experience is assumed or required. This course is appropriate for anyone interested in researching and writing grant proposals. Section 1Overview of the Grant Writing Process - essential terminology, models of successful proposals, the 7 elements of writing a great proposal, and the importance of preparation. Section 2Identifying Needs and Focus - identify the needs of your organization, community and population being served, planning ahead for implementation.

From Eventful - 1 month ago