(5 )"Illustris" Colocasia, Elephant Ears, Bulbs, Rhizomes, Tubers, Flat Rate - $13 - (Ocean City, NJ)
These colocasia, elephant ear bulbs are known as "Illustris", they grow very quickly to 3-4' tall. They multiply and are hardy to zone 7. They can be lifted at the end of the season and placed back into the ground in the spring in colder climates. The foliage is spectacular and very different from the plain green elephant ears. These small bulbs will grow quickly in the first season and only grow in size in the years ahead. Each lot includes (5) small bulbs / shoots. When these bulbs arrive, they should be placed in dry or ever so slightly dampened peat moss until spring planting. Do not place in damp soil during the winter dormancy period or rot may occur. I ship once during the week and on Saturdays. Please be sure to check out my other auctions for canna rhizomes and elephant ear bulbs.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago