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Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II AUTO SLIM turntable working condition - $100 - (Athens, OH)

This is in overall good condition please see pictures feel free to ask questions. This makes a great addition to your collection. It powers on and turns I have not tested it further than that. Please check out my other listings.

Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II  AUTO SLIM  turntable working condition
Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II  AUTO SLIM  turntable working condition
Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II  AUTO SLIM  turntable working condition
Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II  AUTO SLIM  turntable working condition
Vintage very rare GARRARD P MK II  AUTO SLIM  turntable working condition


Posted in Athens, OH, Electronics
From - 1 month ago