BC200CHEF Kidlsine Baby Chef Ultimate Baby Food Center No manual or recipes - $45 - (Indianapolis, IN)
Kidsline Baby Cook Ultimate Baby Food CenterThis is a great item for preparing your own baby food from scratch.Not only does it save $$$ (and I mean LOTS of money) but you also are in complete control of the ingredients in your baby's food. No added sugar, sodium, preservatives, chemicals, etc. You put the veggies or whatever in the steamer side, put some water in the reservoir and press the steam button.When the food has steamed to your satisfaction, you put it in the blender, process it to the desired consistency, and you have your little one's meal ready to cool and feed. If you want to make a few containers ahead and refrigerate, you can get do that as well. As you are blending and dividing the steamed food, you can have the next round going in the steamer.Finally it is a warmer as well. If you look at the picture, you can see the white object in the steamer in the third picture. This is for warming bottles. You put in the water, place the plastic insert on the heating element to keep the bottle from actual contact with the heater, and push the warm button. The warm option also can be used to warm the food before feeding. Simply remove the slotted steamer insert from the steamer container, put in the food, add water, push warm, and your food will warm to a proper temperature for you baby.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago