Neutron / Gamma Spectrometer, Multi-Channel Analyzer, 3kV Power Supply, MCA - $595 - (Naples, FL)
Software Manual (PDF) Gamma spectrometry can be extremely challenging and complicated, but it does not have to be. Avoid frustration, wasted money and painful learning curve - buy a gamma spectrometry system that comes with:Digital Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA)Built-in 0..3000V Bias Power SupplyUSB cableSHV connector for detector biasBNC connector for detector signal inputUSB 2.0 portPC / Windows software PerformanceThe system supports extremely high count rates up to 30,000 kcpsBias voltages 0 to 3000 V, 1 mADetector signal range 5 mV to 20 VPulse-height detection and pulse area integration Hardware and Software CapabilitiesThis system will work with virtually any 3rd party gamma or neutron detector that come with BNC and SHV connectorsMonitor gamma flux in CPS, CPMMonitor individual gamma pulsesMonitor count rate evolution with timeMonitor count histogram, compute average and standard deviationPlot gamma energy spectrum, calibrate, compare to another spectrumSetup noise rejectionCompare to baseline, evaluate statistical significance, P-valueand more! RequirementsWindows computerUSB 2.0 port NotesLaptop, gamma detector and gamma source are NOT INCLUDED.

From - 1 month ago