Technical Associates TBM-IC Mark IV Radiation Detector - $200 - (Albemarle, NC)
Good working unit. Any questions please ask. FEATURES: DIGITAL READOUT: 8 digit-rate, 8 digits integrate DOSE RATE & TOTAL DOSE READ OUT SMALL LIGHTWEIGHT 26 oz. TBM PACKAGE FLAT RESPONSE - FREE AIR ION CHAMBER SEES AXIALLY BELOW 5 KEV GAMMA OR X-RAY SEES ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, X-RAY FAST RESPONSE WIDE RANGE: 0.1 mR/hr to 9.999 R/hr OPTIONAL X-RAY COMPLIANCE SLEEVE APPLICATION: Whenever a fast, sensitive ion chamber instrument is needed, the TBM-IC-MARK V is the latest in a series. The TBM-IC-MARK V ion chambers are now smaller and lighter. Based on newest more stable, essentially drift-free electrometer technology. DESCRIPTION: The TBM-IC-MARK V consists of a 2.5'' dia x 3.5'' long air ion chamber coupled to a stable solid state MOSFET input electrometer with built in A to D converter to read out directly in mR/h or mR. Rate range is 0.1 mR/h to 9.999 R/h in a single range. Dose range is 0.01mR - 99.9R in a single range. 180 mg/cm2 graphite lined methacrylate walls accurate ``air equivalence.'' Thin (0.5 mg/cm2) Mylar window allows high sensitivity readings for alpha and for low energy beta such as C14 in addition to higher energy Betas, Gammas and X-rays.

From - 1 month ago