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Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g - $600 - (Wichita, KS)

Pair of Barker Ellis sterling silver 3 light candelabra's from a high end estate. They are in good pre owned condition with no dents. There are two tiny dings about the size of the tip of pencil lead that I noticed on one candelabra. They are not very noticeable. Light scratches to the metal consistent with age, and use. Height is approximately 7 7/8". Length of each one is 9 1/2". They are marked on the edge, as shown in photo #5. Total weight is 1082 grams.

Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g
Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g
Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g
Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g
Pair Barker Ellis Birmingham Sterling Silver 3 Light Candelabra 1082g


Posted in Wichita, KS, Antiques
From - 1 month ago