Smoking Meats? Hickory "Chunks" Add a touch of Hickory Flavor! The Chunks come from the rejected dowels that our Hickory Putters are produced from. ( The Hickory Chunks are "assorted sizes" ranging from... 3/4 inch "Thick" x 2 1/2 - 3 inches "Long" Grilling with Hickory Chunks can add a new flavor and exciting twist to the usual dishes you make for friends and family! Chunks are best used for longer cooking times, 30 + minutes SMOKING FOOD USING HICKORY CHUNKS ON A CHARCOAL GRILL Grilling with Hickory Chunks can add a new flavor and exciting twist to the usual dishes you make for friends and family! 1. Soak the Hickory Chunks (approximately 3 – 4 handfuls) in a metal bowl or pan with 3 cups of water. Place the metal bowl or pan into your charcoal grill, into the center of the grill. Pile the charcoal briquettes around the pan or bowl and light the charcoal. 2. Place your food on the grill grates in the center directly above the pan of hickory chunks when the grill gets hot. 3. Close the lid of the grill and let the food smoke making sure the temperature stays around 190 degrees F. Add more briquettes, hickory chunks and water as needed about every hour. "TIPS AND WARNINGS"1. Hickory chips are best used for shorter cooking times under 15 minutes. If you are grilling food for a longer time use Hickory Chunks or you will need to restock chips on grill after 15 minutes. 2. Try flavoring the chips by soaking in apple juice, wine, brandy or any other flavored liquid to add a different flavor with the hickory. 3. Your foods cook at a slower rate of time when using this method; check it for proper temperature before eating. 4. You can begin cooking your food when the hickory chips begin to smoke. 5. Make sure all the vents are closed on the top or bottom of the grill. 6. Do not try to rearrange charcoal or hickory chips with your hands once they have been placed in the grill. Use a poker to prevent being burned. $19.95 / for "6 pounds" Plus..."FREE
From - 1 month ago