Vintage Motorola Quasar TV Tube Repair Box Technician Mid-Century, LARGE - $99 - (Little Rock, AR)
*************************** Seller is not a business or expert. Known specs on item captured in the pictures. It is assumed buyer is familiar with product when buying. No warranty or after-sale service provided. Estate sale find-history unknown. Selling AS IS-as found. Some loose materials inside included-nothing of note documented. Looks like one testing board still inside(see pic). Dimensions: 21 1/2” x 17 1/2” x 10 1/2” Good-faith effort has been made to properly display/represent conditions and content of sale. Pictures and description may not be all-inclusive, but give fair representation of conditions. Emails always welcome. Thank you for looking! Buyers should do their own research in regard to the correct operation and functionality. Only pictured items are included- original box, instructions and other accessories are not included unless explicitly stated/shown in pictures. Please read the description carefully. ***************************

From - 1 month ago