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2019 Friedman Lecture & Awards - N.A. - (Los Angeles, CA)

The annual Friedman Lecture and Awards addresses topics related to aging and recognizes contributions to the care of older adults. This year's lecture will feature a keynote from Chancellor Mark Wrighton, Advancing Aging Research and Education at Washington University: Preparing for Longer, Productive Lives. Additionally, the event will include the presentation of the Harvey A. & Dorismae Hacker Friedman Award for Excellence in Service to Older Adults and the Alene & Meyer Kopolow Award for Geriatrics, Psychiatry, and Neurology. AGENDA 9:00 am Coffee and Check-in9:30 am Welcome and Presentation of Awards10:00 am Keynote and Discussion11:00 am Poster Session and Refreshments KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mark Wrighton, PhD, Chancellor and Professor of Chemistry, Washington University Mark Wrighton has a long-standing commitment to the issue of global population aging. During his tenure as Chancellor of Washington University, he has launched several key initiatives, including establishing the Harvey A.

2019 Friedman Lecture & Awards


Posted in Los Angeles, CA, Tickets
From Eventful - 1 month ago