Microsoft WI User Group Event | April 9th | Education & Networking - N.A. - (Minneapolis, MN)
You are invited to join Microsoft WI User Group & our partners, SWC Technology Partners and LiveTiles for an afternoon of knowledge and evening filled with basketball and fun! Join us in this two part User group event that kicks off at our Microsoft MN MTC followed by networking with your peers @ Timberwolves vs Raptors game while enjoying the view of the game from a Timberwolves Suite. If you have any questions feel free to ping me at , 815-978-XXXX When: Tuesday April ninth Agenda 3-5pm Educational Session @ Microsoft MTC - Securing the enterprise, five pt framework CISOs are taking to secure thier enterprise from advanced cyberattacks - Improving cusotmer and employee engagments throug rich AI / UI enabled content and interactions. 6- 10pm Networking @ Minnensota Timberwolves Game ( Suite ) Once you registered you will recieved an calendar invite including info above including addresses .

From Eventful - 1 month ago