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Anniversary Brunswick Pool table - $6,800 - (Ogden, UT)

"Sale Failed" back on the market, Nice ones are not cheap and cheap ones are not nice, This Table is absolutely beautiful and priced to sell"Priced at Fair market value".Very nice 4' x 8' Pro Anniversary Pool Table made by Brunswick Billiards, Estimated date 1958-63 era.Really one of the best Anniversary's that I have come across, so complete.Table is all there, including the factory ball return"which isn't shown" and has the original wall rack with the 4 Brunswick True balance cue sticks,along with both walnut veneered bridge stick cradles. I have cleaned and refurbished the table and clothed it in Titan Championship tournament green cloth. The table and slates are in excellent shape and ready to be assembled and played. arcadiabilliards.com is located in Northern Utah, just off I-15. Price Includes delivery/fright costs.

Anniversary Brunswick Pool table
Anniversary Brunswick Pool table
Anniversary Brunswick Pool table
Anniversary Brunswick Pool table
Anniversary Brunswick Pool table


Posted in Ogden, UT, Sporting Goods
From ebay.com - 1 month ago