Kamfa x Cencu Flowerhorn Cichlid Male High quality 4-5" full wrap big kok - $120 - (Graham, WA)
Kamfa x Cencu Flowerhorn Cichlid Male High quality 4-5" full wrap big kok . Solid body good fins females alao available Shipped with USPS Priority Mail ExpressFlowerhorn basic guidelines what to expect and basic care For more visit Nam's Flowerhorn (Facebook) Policy Fish gaurunteed alive Refund gaurunteed for fish not shipping or will resend new fish except for shipping In order to receive refund you must send pictures within a few hours of arrival or within ten hours of DOA pictures must be clear and show fish are DOA Must pay for reshipping at prorated price Shipping days Monday through Thursday overnight Shipping is overnighted please use tracking number to follow package and make sure fish are received and acclimated asap We do not feed fish prior to shipping to prevent ammonia issues Due to shipping stress fish will loose color and kok but should return within a few days Do not feed right away wait a day Always divide multiple flowerhorn and acclimate temp at least 15 minutes Avoid strong currents of water Perameters We keep our pH 7-7.5 Water is best kept on the harder side Recommend adding salt to your tank and crushed Coral Water temp 78-82 f Low light at first Food We feed our fish small pellets the smaller the better Avoid live food and meat for at least a week Feed twice a day small amounts Make sure tank is ready to go before adding fish We recommend substrate for bacteria and also recommend only 20% water change 1 or two times a month or as needed do not introduce mate until fish is fully acclimated Thai silk and kamfa can have slightly lower pH but still should be above 7.0 A few tips Avoid over feeding Avoid high fat foods Avoid too much light Higher pH helps with kok size color and fading Feeding more often is better then too much at once Use moderate water flow and more airflow for kok growth Avoid too big and too many water changes flowerhorn like harder water Thank you for your purchase.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago