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GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas - $7 - (Clay Center, KS)

GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas tested lead came out smooth

GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas
GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas
GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas
GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas
GMC Mechanical Pencil Compliments of Bud Hertlein GMC Trucks Belleville, Kansas


Posted in Clay Center, KS, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago