Mitsubishi DPX 2 CTP Plate Maker - $7,500 - (Lexington, KY)
Mitsubishi DPX2 Computer-to-Plate with Silver DigiPlateTM is the ideal technology for short-run, process color printing. The DPX 2 platesetter uses sophisticated and proven tecnology that savvy printers have been using to make money for years. To maintain your business in today’s competitive marketplace you need a digital production system capable of increasing your productivity and reducing your turnaround time. You need the DPX 2. Metal has met its match The DPX 2 polyester CTP platesetter offers the resolution of CTP metal platesetters without their high prices, making the DPX 2 the clear, profitable choice for digital plate making. Silver DigiPlate™ polyester plates eliminate stripping and chemical costs associated with the analog metal plate process. With total cost of ownership so low, many print shops find that they recoup their investment in polyester very quickly, much faster than with a metal CTP system. Safer, smarter, sleeker and easier to use The DPX 2 is the latest generation of the renowned DPX System, the industry standard for polyester Computer-to-plate (CTP) technology. The true internal drum imager provides high-resolution, precision imaging with variable resolutions up to 3600 dpi. The unique image-to-punch feature ensures consistent and accurate registration and eliminates time consuming manual errors. The DPX 2 produces imaged, punched, press-ready plates in minutes. Unit is setup for two plate sizes fitting Ryobi 3302 and Ryobi 524HE RIP is included and was replaced in 2017.

From - 1 month ago