Recycled Sari Silk Fiber Mix Assort for Felting, Spinning, Weaving, Fiber Crafts - $8 - (Kitchener, ON)
These lovely Sari silk fibres are 100% silk, and are created as a by-product of Sari production in India. VARIETY OF COLORS AND SIZES: These multi colored packs have various lengths and colours, and all mixed up together. Soft, shiny, silky, they can be carefully pulled apart into different sizes.FOR FELTING: Must be used in combination with wool; Recycled Sari Silk is a great fiber for use in wet and nuno felting, it gives a rich texture and pleasant shine when used as a décor.FOR SPINNING AND WEAVING: Recycled Sari Silk can be spun on its own or blended with wool and other fibers. The resulting yarns are very soft and great for your knitting and weaving projects. FOR BLENDING: Recycled Sari Silk adds luster, softness and strength to blends; if you prefer to make your own blends you can mix it with merino wool, alpaca, cashmere or other fibers.FOR MIXED MEDIA CRAFTS: Ideal as a décor for felted scarves, jewelry, slippers, clothes, hats, doll-making, scrap-booking, beading, hand-sewn embellishments, other textile projects.

From - 1 month ago