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Producing Black GD of Peponita Dun Commander - $2,500 - (Gainesville, TX)

Raven is a lovely TRUE BLACK granddaughter of PEPONITA DUN COMMANDER. She is SOLID BLACK no white any where. Raven is gentle and easy to handle. She is in foal to a PALOMINO pleasure stallion this cross has produced two AQHA POINT EARNERS this foal will be no different. Lots of color possibilities with this cross. Raven is due at the end of APRIL. She can with a rebred to HAMMY CASH for a 2020 foal free board until veterinarian checked in foal. Asking 2500 as a 21 or 3000 as a 31. Package deal if she is sold with her full sister Kate.


Posted in Gainesville, TX, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago