Choice Not Chance & WCPSS All Male Conference - N.A. - (Raleigh, NC)
On (Saturday) April 6, 2019, Wake County Public Schools and the Choice Not Chance will partner for the third Annual Choice Not Chance All Male Conference! Located at East Millbrook Middle School, this annual conference will bring dynamic and interactive workshops to males of color in grades 3-12. Parents this is a “conference of solutions”, our purpose is to expose those obstacles that prevent underrepresented males from being successful and provide viable solutions to resolve them. Parents please mark your calendars, save the date and join us April 6, from 9-230p for a day filled with advocacy, support, interactive workshops and computer giveaways. **High School students are you ready for life after school?** Plans for college,technical school, the military or just unsure about your vision for the future. Then this conference is for you. Come and check us out. Lots of great resources and workshops that will motivate you to write down your vision for your life.

From Eventful - 1 month ago