Agile Boot Camp in Cleveland, OH on Apr 24th-26th 2019 - N.A. - (Cleveland, OH)
Scrum, Extreme Programming, Lean, Feature Driven Development and other methods each have their strengths. While there are significant similarities under the Agile umbrella, each method brings specific tools for team success. Rarely do organizations adopt 1 methodology in its pure form. Rather, success is achieved by combining best practices. In this three-day Agile Boot Camp, you will put the skills, tools and techniques you are taught to work. The classroom will be broken up into Agile teams and an expert instructor will drive each team through the Agile process: from vision down to daily planning and execution. Your instructor will answer questions with real-world experience, as all of our instructors have Agile experience “in the trenches.” You will leave the class with practical knowledge and a clear roadmap for success. Learning Objectives: ? Structure a team with generalizing specialists so the team can develop working software incrementally.

From Eventful - 1 month ago