Disc Frisbee Golf Disc Toss Frolf Outdoor Game Set Steel Target Basket 3 Discs - $100 - (Fort Mill, SC)
Returns & Shipping FAQ Sales Tax Info Newsletter Sign-Up Bar & Grill Garage & Auto Gifts & Gadgets Home Living Outdoor Living Safety & Security Sports & Recreation Tools & Machines New Goods Disc Frisbee Golf Disc Toss Frolf Outdoor Game Set Steel Target Basket 3 Discs Kotulas Item# 44214 Only: $99.99 Item Weight: 23 lb(s) Manufacturer: Triumph Sports MPN: 35-7120 Estimated Delivery Time: 11 - 16 Business Days (See shipping information below) Shipping Policy: This item is factory shipped and requires a longer lead time. Delivery time will vary from 11 - 16 business days (M-F) depending on the delivery location. Please note that we do not ship items on weekends or holidays. This item ships directly from the factory. Product Summary: Time flies as your disc flies toward the target in a round of disc golf toss, a game of concentration, strategy and strength. Whichever player or team lands a disc in the target with the fewest tosses wins. Bring this game to a picnic, family reunion or afternoon at the park and you'll be named chief in charge of games from there on out. Includes 67in.H x 27in.W heavy-duty steel target with folding legs and 3 golf discs. Payment Instructions You can pay us securely through PayPal Kotulas is owned and operated by Northern Tool + Equipment Company. ON U.S. PURCHASES, Northern currently collects sales tax on purchases shipped to all states and territories except: Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Guam, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Marianas Islands, Oregon, Virgin Islands, and West Virginia. Shipping Information FREE shipping on orders $49 or more (not including tax or shipping) This includes combined orders of multiple items This product will be shipped by Ground. Ground Shipping: Standard ground shipped items must be sent to a physical address and cannot be sent to a PO box. If a PO box address is submitted without a physical address, it may delay your order. We cannot ship t

From ebay.com - 1 month ago