Anatomy Physiology 1 & 2 Study Guide w Practice Exams 4 CLEP Excelsior College - $13 - (Red Wing, MN)
Anatomy Anatomy & Physiology CD Study Guide for Excelsior College A & P Exams: BIOx210, BIOx104 & BIOx106 Notes, Practice Tests, Slide Shows, Graphics & More ABOUT ME I am a 2005 Excelsior College ASN Graduate and a Registered Nurse (MSN, RN, CNE) I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau the International Honor Society for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. I am one of the only eBay sellers who is REALLY and RN an Excelsior graduate and a trained educator. you can verify my credentials. See my About Me page for more information. I passed The EXCELSIOR Nursing exams with straight A's in less than 4 months -see Completed exams transcript below- I passed CPNE on the first try June 24-26th with no repeats. I Graduated with high honors July 2005 and passed NCLEX-RN 8/31/05 with only 75 questions. I can't guarantee you will have the same results, but the CD I made contains the resources I created and used to study for and pass the exams on the first try. ABOUT THE CD I completed A & P I and A & P II via distance learning @ Rio Salado in 2005 while I studied for my NC exams. I used my notes and resources and organized them to Excelsior Colleges content guide at a customers request. She found it very helpful so I made it available along with my other CD study guides. My customers have used the CD to pass A & P through traditional college and for Excelsior's Exam. ALL of my Study Guides are also available for instant digital download at RN Study Spot Digital Downloads . CONTENTS: study notes CD ORGANIZATION Each section of the test has its own folder with SECTION NOTES and SECTION RESOURCES - for example; Graphics, Tables, outlines, articles, Vocabulary, slide shows and Quizzes, NOTES My personal notes for EACH SECTION of EACH TEST ; organized to Excelsior's content guide, in an easy to use format. STUDY GUIDES BULLETS and CONCEPTS TO KNOW Final review Folder with Slide shows, outlines, and a condensed synopsis of the areas covered PRACTICE EXAMS Folder with full practi

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