CLEP DSST Excelsior College Lifespan Development CD Study Guide Practice Exams - $13 - (Red Wing, MN)
Lifespan Development CD Study Guide NEW Lifespan Development CD Study Guide for Excelsior College* or DSST* Exam EXAM TIPS, PRACTICE TESTS, FLASH CARDS, NOTES + ALL of my Study Guides are also available for instant digital download at RN Study Spot Digital Downloads . ABOUT THE LIFESPAN PSYCHOLOGY/ DEVELOPMENT STUDY GUIDE The CD Study guide for Lifespan/ Developmental Psychology is organized to Excelsior's Lifespan Development content guide BUT can also be used for the DSST or CLEP Lifespan exam. My Lifespan study guide is an easy to use Auto Run program, with printable Notes. The program covers all areas recommended by DSST and Excelsior college and includes supplemental info that will be useful for other tests and the boards! It can be used to study for Excelsior's Lifespan exam or the DSST Developmental psychology exam or as an adjunct for your brick and mortar course. Here's what it includes: MY ORIGINAL NOTES My personal NOTES for EACH SECTION of the TEST - EACH SECTION is organized to Excelsior's content guide, SUPPLEMENTS for EACH SECTION of the test, and specific to that area of NC 4. EX: LECTURE NOTES, (power point style) from brick and mortar courses - SLIDE SHOWS self made slide shows for reviewing important concepts TABLES EX development theories, learning theories, theorists FLASH CARDS my personal Flashcards ready to print on what ever size index card you choose JOURNAL ARTICLES FINAL REVIEW POINTS TO REMEMBER & BULLETS a great way to review the important points and concepts. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW of LIFESPAN as a whole PRACTICE EXAMS (questions and answers) EXAMS & QUIZZES covering every section of the exam Their are printable exams and computerized exams, which are great practice for your real exam (which is on the computer for EC) & links to more! RESOURCES with items for LIFESPAN and beyond WEB LINKS helpful sites with practice tests, medication information, interactive learning etc... specific to NC 5 and a separate set of links for general nurs

From - 1 month ago