New Conquer the Call Interactive Game Call Training Software Goose Call Version - $25 - (Gray, KY)
New Conquer the Call Interactive Game Call Software Short Reed Goose Version Game Call Training System Learn as the Godfather of goose, Tim Grounds, teaches short reed goose calling like never before. Starting with instructions as simple as introducing air to the call, Tim goes through everything there is to know about running a short reed. He takes you in stages from the simplest of clucks and honks, to the most advanced calls like the spit note. Everything you need to land those honkers on the X is in here. Utilizing visual call comparisons, playback & scoring, and with the call along with the instructor loop feature, you will progress like never before. Tim Grounds is a 5X World Goose calling champion, and has coached more people to championships titles than any other goose caller in history. His calls have taken more junior, senior, open, world, live, and champion of champions titles than any other. Tim's accomplishments are only surpassed by his joy of passing on the tradition of calling. Novice, intermediate, and expert callers will all benefit from interactive training sessions with a world class instructor. Includes: Interactive Software and USB Mic Features: Call Scoring & Analysis Audio Record, Playback & Instructor Call Loop Wave File Visual Comparison Full Screen HD Video Instruction Digital call analysis Visual comparison User call playback Practice audio loop Tips & Tactics Windows Compatible Win XP, 7, Vista, 8 1.5 Gig Memory & CD/DVD Drive

From - 1 month ago