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Bucilla Napkin Rings 2 Christmas Kits Pre-Cut Plastic Canvas 12 Poinsettia 61044 - $11 - (Mosinee, WI)

• New never opened napkin ring kits set of six each kit• I have two kits there are 6 in each kit.• you get both kits for a total of 12 napkin rings •price for both ! No smoke home

Bucilla Napkin Rings 2 Christmas Kits Pre-Cut Plastic Canvas 12 Poinsettia 61044
Bucilla Napkin Rings 2 Christmas Kits Pre-Cut Plastic Canvas 12 Poinsettia 61044
Bucilla Napkin Rings 2 Christmas Kits Pre-Cut Plastic Canvas 12 Poinsettia 61044


Posted in Mosinee, WI, Arts & Crafts
From - 1 month ago