Crown IQ PIP - AP Module - $25 - (Port St. Lucie, FL)
crown / amcron IQ PIP AP module ( WE carry a huge amount of modern and vintage crown and amcron parts and general electronic components. If there's something you're looking for we may just carry it in stock, please feel free to contact us we can easily add another eBay listing. Spare parts are supplied to you ONLY on the basis that you have the knowledge and means to fit them without harming yourself or others, or damaging the goods. We do not refund or exchange pcb's. Because they form part of a larger circuit that may well have other faults and dangerous voltages. If you aren't capable or qualified to work on amplifiers then please leave it to someone who is. Failure to do this could result in electric shock injury and death. We will not be held responsible for buyers knowledge or lack of it. Please refer to pictures & contact me with any questions. Thanks

From - 1 month ago