Mega Networking Holiday Party at the Engineer's Club - N.A. - (Baltimore, MD)
Mega Networking Holiday Party at the Engineer's Club Come out and meet 250-300 business professionals! Maryland Business Connection is happy to announce this year's Annual Mega Networking Holiday Party. Free admission with donation of canned goods or non-perishable goods to be collected at the door and distributed to the local community by Paul's Place. Please Register so that we make sure to have enough food for everyone. You are on your own for your drinks. There will be door prize drawings throughout the evening. There are a limited number of table sponsor opportunities on a 1st come, 1st seved basis. Sponsorship will be exclusive by category so reserve your space now and lock out your competition. The cost is $195 for a whole table (including linen) or $125 to share a table with 1 other sponsor. Sponsor registration includes 2 drink tickets.

From Eventful - 1 month ago