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Middle Earth - The Wizards - 33 Sealed Packs of 15 cards per pack (1995) - $220 - (Clear Spring, MD)

This box contains 33 individual packs of 15 cards each. The box originally contained 36 packs. This is from an avid collector's estate. What can I say but awesome. Will you ever find a near complete box as this. Absolutely AWESOME. Don't wait to long. Once in a lifetime opportunity. NICE, see pictures. THANKS FOR LOOKING. O5

Middle Earth - The Wizards - 33 Sealed Packs of 15 cards per pack (1995)
Middle Earth - The Wizards - 33 Sealed Packs of 15 cards per pack (1995)
Middle Earth - The Wizards - 33 Sealed Packs of 15 cards per pack (1995)


Posted in Clear Spring, MD, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago