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Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4) - $46 - (Luther, OK)

This equipment is guaranteed to be as we represent it in the description or your purchase price will be refunded upon return. Please note that we record all serial numbers of each item that we ship. Also please note that we do not refund shipping, handling and packaging charges. You must notify us of any discrepancies by email immediately upon receipt of equipment to make arrangements for return of equipment prior to any return. This guarantee applies to U.S. shipping addresses within the lower 48 states only (All sales or shipments to other locations will be as-is and are final). Best PricingPremium QualityFast Shipping

Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4)
Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4)
Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4)
Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4)
Sabratek model 3030 (B2-4)


Posted in Luther, OK, Business for Sale
From ebay.com - 1 month ago