Man Sports Iso-Amino 30 Servings Expires 12/19 - $18 - (Bakersfield, CA)
ITEM DESCRIPTIONPure BCAAs are everything you need to rebuild, repair and trigger lean muscle growth. ISO-Amino is a throwback to the old school BCAA’s that are just that, pure isolated BCAA’s. No added marketing fluff, prop blends, or underdosed “everything & the kitchen-sink” formulas that only cushion the manufacturers wallet. BCAAs in a 2:1:1 ratio have been clinically studied and PROVEN to effectively aid in muscle repair, growth, muscular energy and even fat loss. BCAA products with inflated ratios of 8:1:1 or even 10:1:1 show no added benefit over their 2:1:1 counterpart. So why the 2:1:1 ratio of BCAAs? Simple, “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” ?Scientists from Baylor University gave college-age men either a leucine supplement, a BCAA supplement, or a placebo before and after a leg workout. They discovered that while leucine increased muscle protein synthesis after the workout better than the placebo did, the BCAAs increased protein synthesis even better than leucine and the placebo. That’s a big reason to stick to a 2:1:1 ratio when it comes to BCAA supplements. Ships out fast for free directly from Southern California. I will ship it out next day after payment if not the same day for early payments

From - 1 month ago