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Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine - $49 - (Schenectady, NY)

Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine Excellent condition May have had some dirt on it when in took the photos but it is excellent Small piece, figurine, not a planter. Think maybe shawnee? Unmarked. Unique and fun piece!? New York State sales tax 8% See our EBay store for unique and hard to find items

Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine
Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine
Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine
Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine
Vintage Unmarked Shawnee Mccoy Pink Cat Kitten Art Pottery Figurine


Posted in Schenectady, NY, Household Items
From - 1 month ago