COFFINITE NATURAL URANIUM ROCK; NEW MEXICO; 13.3 oz. $22.00 + s/h - $22 - (Gallup, NM)
$22.00 plus shipping HEAVYCOFFINITE (uranium)MINERAL ROCK $22.00 plus shipping 13.3 oz weight The rock was found, on the groundsurface, near the Malpais mine site, atPoison Canyon NM. A Bicron Analyst geiger instrument and a high-powered P3 pancakeprobe assisted in this valuable discovery. Therock's activity level is in the faster range,relative to other similar natural rocks andabove that of FiestaWare red plates. Itsmeasured response rate is approximately2.9 times that detected from FiestaWareceramic dinner plates crafted during theFiestaWare uranium era, 1936-1943. The white dots, seen in photos, identifymultiple areas with fastest activity. Weight of rock: 13.3 oz (372 gm) WHAT TYPE OF MINERALIS THE ROCK?It is likely coffinite. Advice fromgeologists who can identify this ore more precisely will be appreciated. PoisonCanyon is approximately 20 miles NW fromGrants NM. It is part of the "New MexicoUranium Belt;" 65% of all uranium everproduced in the USA came from mines sitedwithin 60 miles of this canyon. Thishandsome rock was made in USA! BONUS 42-MINUTE DVD VIDEO,NOT FOUND ON YOUTUBE!Enclosed with the uranium rock will be mynew DVD video disk, Poison Canyon UraniumFields, dated March 2017. This 42-minutevideo provides a narrated video tour of the NM locale where many rocks can be found through prospecting. This exclusive DVDvideo program is enclosed at no extra cost.(This video is NOT to be uploaded to YouTube.) SHIPPING NOTESI do combined shipping, so look at my otherads, also. If you order two or more items,pay the postage as stated in the ad. Then,when the parcel is mailed, I will refundany overpayment on postage abovethe actual cost of postage. Theparcel will be wrapped and shipped inaccordance with all postal regulations.The following postal statement willbe affixed to the package: NATURAL UNPROCESSED OREThis package is wrapped to conform to therequirements of USPS Packaging Instruction 7Aand USPS Publication 52, Section 347.22 Price: $22.00 plus shippin

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