1761 news magazine with view & description of SANTO MENNA VALLEY Salerno ITALY - $40 - (Oxford, MD)
1761 news magazine with view & description of SANTO MENNA VALLEY Salerno CAMPANIA Italy - inv # 2Q-247 Please visit our EBAY STORE for THOUSANDS of HISTORICAL NEWSPAPERS on sale or at auction. SEE PHOTO----- An ORIGINAL monthly news magazine, the Gentleman's Magazine (London, ENGLAND) dated June, 1761. This original news magazine contains an inside page blank back engraving and long text of Menna (Menat), Italy. Santomenna is a town and comune in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of south-western Italy. The Gentleman's Magazine was founded in London, England, by Edward Cave in January 1731. It ran uninterrupted for almost 200 years, until 1922. It was the first to use the term "magazine" (from the Arabic ma?azin, meaning "storehouse") for a periodical. Samuel Johnson's first regular employment as a writer was with The Gentleman's Magazine. The original complete title was The Gentleman's Magazine: or, Trader's monthly intelligencer. Cave's innovation was to create a monthly digest of news and commentary on any topic the educated public might be interested in, from commodity prices to Latin poetry. It carried original content from a stable of regular contributors, as well as extensive quotes and extracts from other periodicals and books. Cave, who edited The Gentleman's Magazine under the pen name "Sylvanus Urban", was the first to use the term "magazine" (meaning "storehouse") for a periodical. Contributions to the magazine frequently took the form of letters, addressed to "Mr. Urban". The iconic illustration of St John's Gate on the front of each issue (occasionally updated over the years) depicted Cave's home, in effect, the magazine's "office". Before the founding of The Gentleman's Magazine, there were specialized journals, but no such wide-ranging publication (although there had been attempts, such as The Gentleman's Journal, which was edited by Peter Motteux and ran from 1692 to 1694). This news magazine has approximately 60 pages and the page s

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