PDQ GT211PHL-626 Heavy Duty Grade 1 Lever Lock , Single Dummy A, NA2118-7C New - $29 - (Orlando, FL)
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Posted 1 month ago
This is a new PDQ GT Series Heavy Duty Door Lever Lock.It comes with the mount screws. RETURN POLICY: Our Return Policy is based on coverage for defects or other problems affecting proper functionality of the listed item. It does not cover cases like buyer's remorse, choosing wrong size, color etc It is the buyers responsibility for any research needed to determine if the item listed is the proper one to fit their particular needs. In some cases (at our descretion ) we will allow a return that don't apply to a problem with the item. In the instances all shipping expenses will be covered by the buyer and a %20 restock fee will be deducted from the return amount.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago