Micro-Trains 46900151 - 53' Container Canadian Tire 32004 - N Scale - $15 - (Kansas City, MO)
Micro-Trains 46900151 - 53 Container Canadian Tire 32004 - N Scale Canadian Tire 53’ Containers Shipping Shipping cost:All shipping is automatically figured based on weight for USPS First Class Package and USPS Priority Mail.Combined Shipping:If you are purchasing multiple items, please add all items to your ebay cart. Once the items are in your cart it will automatically combine shipping based on combined weight. If that number still seems incorrect, there should be a button on the top of your cart "request total from seller", please use this option and we will take a second look at it. Delivery time: Your purchase will ship within one business day Payment We accept the following payment methods: PayPal Please contact us if you have any questions. Service Unlike some others we do post positive feedback as soon as payment has cleared and do not wait until they buyer has posted feedback. If you meet your obligation why should you have to wait. We do appreciate all of our customers but occasionally a problem does arise. All we ask is that you give us a chance to remedy the situation before posting any negative feedback. We ship to the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Australia. All others please ask for shipping cost before bidding. We will be listing new items every week so come back and see us soon. Midwest Model Railroad

From ebay.com - 1 month ago