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The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw - $20 - (Mclean, VA)

Lady Pepperell tag reads king size 1980. Colors are still good considering age. Freshly washed. There are some stains that I did not treat and I do not know if they will come off or not. Pillowcase is sold as is. There is also one fabric flaw/fade over one of the Miss Piggy’s. We are a clean dog friendly home.

The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw
The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw
The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw
The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw
The Muppets Miss Piggy Kermit The Frog Camera Vintage King Size Pillowcase Flaw


Posted in Mclean, VA, Household Items
From - 1 month ago