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Content Editor - N.A. - (Ann Arbor, MI)

ProQuest – Who we are… The ProQuest Mission: Better research. Better learning, Better insights. ProQuest enables people to change their world. ProQuest supports the efforts of students and researchers across the globe. Providing important research tools and curating treasure troves of content has helped ProQuest to become an industry innovator in the Info Services market. Ex Libris Group, a ProQuest Company, is a leading provider of library automation solutions to university, college, and research libraries worldwide. We offer the only comprehensive product suite for the discovery, management, and distribution of all materials—print, electronic, and digital. What will I be doing? As a Content Editor you will ensure the accuracy and completeness of an igned set of electronic or other formatted content.


Posted in Ann Arbor, MI, Arts & Crafts
From ListedBuy - 1 month ago