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Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevati - $4 - (Felton, DE)

Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevation 4867 feet showing the summit house, the castle, memorial highway to summit, summit highway overlooking Lake Placid ski center lodge, highway to the tollhouse, the aerial chairlift and the trail to the summit house Designed by J Z

Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevati
Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevati
Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevati
Collector plate 9” round picturing Whiteface mountain in the Adirondacks elevati


Posted in Felton, DE, Collectibles
From - 1 month ago