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Carved Chinese Chrysanthemum Cinnabar Square Gift Box - $37 - (Owens Cross Roads, AL)

The rich burnt-red color of traditional cinnabar evokes images of the treasured artifacts that once graced the chambers of China's Forbidden City. Originally,cinnabar was a pigment that was mined from iron ore quarries in Europe and Africa. Today, modern cinnabar is a safe reproduction of the famous red pigment that was once used to adorn the Emperor's vases, frames and intricately carved furniture. Beautiful square Chinese Cinnabar gift box.· 3.5” x 3.5” x 1.5”

Carved Chinese Chrysanthemum Cinnabar Square Gift Box
Carved Chinese Chrysanthemum Cinnabar Square Gift Box
Carved Chinese Chrysanthemum Cinnabar Square Gift Box
Carved Chinese Chrysanthemum Cinnabar Square Gift Box


Posted in Owens Cross Roads, AL, Antiques
From - 1 month ago