Adopt Karma a Ringneck bird in West Fargo, ND (14550393) - N.A. - (West Fargo, ND)
My name is Karma! I am a female Indian Ring Neck Parakeet. My age is unknown so if I am older I am not to old to show off my spunky side. I absolutely love men but I can bite if I am not in the mood to be handled. I do not like women and I will not hesitate bite! They tell me I am small for an Indian Ring-neck. I love bananas and almonds! I am willing to try different fruits and vegetable. In fact food might just be the way to my heart. We do not ship parrots and generally adopt only within a 200-mile radius of Fargo, North Dakota. A pre-adoption home visit by a member of our adoption committee is required for every adoption. Adoptions are not 1st come, 1st served; we strive to find the most appropriate home for each parrot. Visit this organization's website to see any additional info available about this pet. Additional Info:

From - 1 month ago