Antique Mortar Pestle Early 1800's Handmade Turned Wood LIGNUM VITAE & Maple - $165 - (Womelsdorf, PA)
Cherry Wood Rolling Pin 19th Century PENNSYLVANIA Dutch Rolling Pin An Antique Colonial Erac.1760 Turned Wood Mortar & PestleLIGNUM VITAE & MAPLE Treenware DESCRIPTION An antique wooden mortar & pestle from the late 1700's. Wonderfully Primitive and Well Worn! The mortar is made of lignum vitae and has a handsome grain pattern to the wood. It measures 7-3/4" high and 6-1/4" across with plenty of age wear visible on interior, exterior and bottom. A shrinkage line along the base and plenty of good honest wear along the rim. The pestle is made of maple and measures 9-1/2" long and also shows good age and wear with a few small shrinkage lines and very old and worn chip to tip of handle. The set is very heavy weighs over 6 lbs. CONDITION Excellent Well Used Condition. Beautiful deep coloring.

From - 1 month ago