7 Results for Grease for sale in Arlington Heights Il - Antiques Classifieds
Heavy steel industrial cog. Ornate with four individual grease ports. This cog is 17.5" in diameter. $45
1 month ago on oodle.comI am offering for sale this Huge Extraordinary Monumental Antique Pier Mirror, originally gilded with genuine 23 K gold leaves . The mirror frame was cleaned from old dirt and grease and very minor restoration was done
1 month ago on ebay.comThis listing is for ONE brass toggle switch place for four single switches. I have polished the switch plate with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease and am including brass screws with it. Some people might like to coat
1 month ago on ebay.comThis listing is for ONE brass toggle switch place for two single switches. I have polished the switch plate with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease and am including brass screws with it. Some people might like to coat
1 month ago on ebay.compositions. If anyone can inform me as to the use of this plate I would be very appreciative. I have polished this switch plate with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease and am including brass screws with them. Some people might like
1 month ago on ebay.comvery appreciative. I have polished these switch plates with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease and am including brass screws with them. Some people might like to coat these plates before installation but others may not, I am
1 month ago on ebay.comThis listing is for ONE only brass pushbutton switch place for a single pole switch. I have polished all the switch plates with Brasso and a lot of elbow grease and am including brass screws with them. Some people might
1 month ago on ebay.com