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300 Results for Antiques for sale in Caledonia On - Classifieds

Sperry Gyro-Compass Repeater &Brass Pelorus Stand

This is a restored Sperry Gyroscope mounted on a pelorus stand .that was removed from a Great Lakes Freighter .As you can see it was a working sperry before being refurbished .

1 month ago on ebay.com
Vintage Greay Lakes Freighter Algomanorth Port Hole

This rectangular Port Hole was removed from the ALGOMANORTH a GREAT LAKES FREIGHTER that was dismantled in Sault St Marie Ontario .A cabinet maker built a custom made cedar table that it could be installed .

1 month ago on ebay.com
gothic THRONE CHAIR griffins gargoyles SAVONAROLA DANTE Renaissance Reviv CURULE

gothic THRONE CHAIR CURULE carved griffins gargoyles LIONS Renaissance Revival SAVONAROLA DANTE 19thC … spectacular - FIT for a KING … statement maker – DECORATOR – DESIGNER – loft – medieval – foyer �…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Great  Lakes Freighter Algomanorth Port Hole

This rectangular Port Hole was removed from the ALGOMANORTH a GREAT LAKES FREIGHTER that was dismantled in Sault St Marie Ontario .A cabinet maker built a custom made cedar table that it could be installed . The Shi…

1 month ago on ebay.com

This rectangular Port Hole was removed from the ALGOMANORTH a GREAT LAKES FREIGHTER that was dismantled in Sault St Marie Ontario .A cabinet maker built a custom made cedar table that it could be installed . The Shi…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Vintage porthole made into a End Table

This porthole was utilize in making a side table . The Port Hole was from the 1944 Navy Corvette the Inch Arran and old anchor chain welded to provide the legs

1 month ago on ebay.com
Vintage porthole with solid brass cover

This original Great Lakes Freighter port hole weighs 65 pounds and has been refurbished and would make a nice addition to any room .

1 month ago on ebay.com
Vintage 1898 23 inch Port hole from E M Ford

This is a 23 inch outside porthole removed from the Great Lakes Freighter the E M Ford . It has been reconditioned and would make an great centre piece or table as .shown .The table is not in the sale .

1 month ago on ebay.com
Police Challenge Coin Antiques Classifieds