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366 Results for Antiques for sale in Jacksonville Tx - Classifieds

Antique English Oak Octagonal Jacobean Framed Beveled Wall Mirror Tudor

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique English Oak Jacobean or Tudor Style Octagonal Framed Beveled Wall Mirror c. 1930s ~~Popular Jacobean or Tudor style octagonal mirror~~nicely carved "bead…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique French Country Oak Vaisselier Plate Dresser Buffet Sideboard Cabinet

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE LARGE Antique French Country Oak VAISSELIER, Plate Dresser, Sideboard, Hutch or Buffet~~~c. 1860s These large buffets, commonly known as "vaisseliers" were a nec…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique French Country Oak Wall Shelf Copper Pot Hat Coat Rack Hooks Plate Rack

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique French Country Style Oak Wall Shelf with Brass Cherub Hooks~~c. 1930s-1940s ~~These shelves were originally used in European kitchens for hanging copper …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique English Hand Carved Oak PAIR Open Barley Twist Table Desk Lamps

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE CHARMING PAIR of Antique English Hand-Carved Oak Table or Desk Lamps with "Open" Barley Twist Posts~~Rewired to US Standards~~c. 1930s Classic barley twist table…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique French Carved Oak Neo Gothic Bookcase Display Cabinet TV Stand Sideboard

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Charming Antique French Oak Neo-Gothic Bookcase or Display Cabinet with Recessed Open Storage~~Perfect for a TV Stand and Components~~c. 1900 ~~Wonderfully carve…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique English Oak Barley Twist Display Curio Cabinet Vitrine Liquor Cabinet

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE CHARMING Antique English Honey Oak Display Curio Liquor Cabinet Vitrine or Bookcase with Shelf and Key~~c. 1920s ~~Classic English barley twist charm~~freestandi…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique English Oak Arts and Crafts Beveled Mirror Wall Medicine Cabinet Drawer

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique English Honey Oak Arts and Crafts Era Hanging Medicine Cabinet with Beveled Mirror, Interior Shelf and Drawer~~c. 1910 Charming decorative item for today…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Antique French Neo-GOTHIC Oak Marriage Chest Coffer Blanket Box Bench FREE SHIP

ABOUT US * SHIPPING * RETURN POLICY * BROWSE MY STORE Antique French Neo-Gothic LARGE Highly Carved Oak Marriage Chest, Blanket Box, Coffer, Trunk or Chest~~Figural Pan and Mythical Beast Accents~~c. 1900-1930s~~ Ex…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Jacksonville, TX Antiques Classifieds