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2515 Results for Antiques for sale in North Dartmouth Ma - Classifieds

SWC-Bonnet-Top Chippendale Highboy, Salem, c.1780

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westminster St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Carved Wal…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Mahogany Chippendale Camelback Sofa with Claw and Ball Feet, UK, c.1780

table width="970" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westmins…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Fan Carved Maple Bonnet-top High Chest, MA, c.1740

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westminster St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Queen Anne…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Fine Tiger Maple Queen Anne Highboy with Bonnet top, MA, c.1750

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westminster St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Fine Tiger…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-A Mahogany Serpentine Chest of Drawers, Newport, c.1780

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 212 Fourth St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Mahogany Serpen…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Walnut Queen Anne Settee, England, c.1760

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westminster St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 An Upholster…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Sheraton McIntyre school Concave Dressing/Writing Table, Salem, c.1800

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 212 Fourth St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Fine Concave Ma…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SWC-Mahogany Federal Secretary with Eagles, c.1820

The country's largest collection of fine Classical & Colonial Furniture... Just steps from the RISD Museum & John Brown House 292 Westminster St. Providence RI tel (401) 272.3200 tollfree (888) 884.5336 A Carved Mah…

1 month ago on ebay.com
North Dartmouth, MA Antiques Classifieds