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56 Results for Antiques for sale in Tyner Ky - Classifieds

1906 KAUCKY'S Diuretic Capsules Box “NEW OLD STOCK” Berwyn, Illinois

CIRCA 1906 Antique Empty 2 3/4" wide box of KAUCKY'S Diuretic Capsules. This is Pre. Food and Drug Act of 1906. A Stimulant and Diuretic to the Kidneys.Packed By: KAUCKY'S Pharmacy 6348 W. 26th Street Berwyn, … Il…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier P.D.Q. Remedy Box Unused “ONLY Three”

Vintage to Antique P.D.Q. Remedy Box. The Booker Laboratories Norfolk, Virginia. There are interesting directions “Take one teaspoon before meals and at bed-time” “Keep the bowels well open with some mild laxa…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier Booker's Compound Purgative Elixir Box Unused “ONLY TWO””

Vintage to Antique Booker's Compound Purgative Elixir Box. Mfg. By Booker Laboratories Norfolk, Virginia. The Under Elixir it states that it is 7% Alcohol. I recently had a small find of some Old Quack Medical Boxes…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier Universal Penetrating Liniment Box Unused “ONLY ONE”

Vintage to Antique Universal Penetrating Liniment Box. Universal Medicine Co. “Not Inc”. Chicago, Ill. Interesting that it states the Company was not Incorporated. I recently had a small find of some Old Quack M…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier Dr. Duroy Eye Water w/a EYE on the Box Unused “ONLY ONE”

Vintage to Antique Dr. Duroy Eye Water Box. This has directions in English & German. Dr. Duroy & Co. New York I recently had a small find of some Old Quack Medical Boxes. All of them have been long term storage. Old…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier Kaucky's Home-Aid Salve Box Unused “ONLY ONE”

Vintage to Antique Kaucky's Home-Aid Salve Box Unused. Kaucky's Pharmacy 6348 W. 26TH Street Berwyn, Ill. I recently had a small find of some Old Quack Medical Boxes. All of them have been long term storage. Old bot…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier White Pine Cough Balsam Box Unused “ONLY ONE”

Vintage to Antique White Pine Cough Balsam Box “Unused”. Universal Drug & Chemical Co. Chicago. I recently had a small find of some Old Quack Medical Boxes. All of them have been long term storage. Old bottles f…

1 month ago on ebay.com
1930's or Earlier Andrews ARNICA Salve Box Unused “ONLY ONE”

Vintage to Antique Andrews Drug and Chemical, Co. Brillion, Wis and Atteboro, Mass. Andrews Arnica Salve Box “Unused” I recently had a small find of some Old Quack Medical Boxes. All of them have been long term …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Police Challenge Coin Antiques Classifieds