92 Results for Books for sale in Drakesville Ia - Classifieds
octavo, 572 pppublished by Akademie Verlag, Berlin "Classification of Kin, Age Structure and Marriage Amongst the Groote Eylandt Aborigines: a Study of Method and a Theory of Australian Kinship" serious academic lev
1 month ago on ebay.comAmerican version of textbook, teachers edition.10th editionNo access codes or CD comes with this, only the textbook.
1 month ago on ebay.comThe author grew up in a Catholic religious group associated with the late Father Leonard Feeney, MICM or the St. Benedict Center near Boston. He was the chief figure in what is known at the Boston Heresy Case. Paren
1 month ago on ebay.comhardcover1973 Many of the pages look to be composed with a typewriter. Page numbers written by hand on the original pages and then photocopied for the final resulting volume. large folio size, 12x9"; 217 pp one of 4
1 month ago on ebay.comprivately published by the author Fred Rydholm hardcover History of UP Michiganvolume 1, containing books 1 and 2. There is a 2nd volume which is not included here with this listing. 2nd printing199010 x 7"; 850 pp ott.1.2016.m120
1 month ago on ebay.compaperback, 72 ppStaple bound Author's internet debates with experts on Judaism Cover says Volume I but there were no other subsequent volumes printed 1998 1 out of a press run of 1000 copies
1 month ago on ebay.comhardcover Starred Review* The high-rise "projects" may have been a dismal failure, it is said, but urban renewal was done with good intentions. Not so, Jones argues in this immense volume that spans from the World W
1 month ago on ebay.com