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27 Results for Business for Sale for sale in Pratt Ks - Classifieds

Peddle Powered Forklift  Pretend Play Toys & Hobbies Outdoor Play Learning

Childrens fork lift truck in the original design of the new Lime tree series 394. Removable operators cab, adjustable stroke stand and lockable seat carrier. Precision chain drive, Ackermann steering with trailer co…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Wm B Johnson GSM-115 Geiger conter survey meter works

Purchased this about a year ago and it was new. Detects Alpha, Beta and Gamma emissions. Used very little, checked some pottery and plates to see if they were radioactive. Has new batteries in it. Probably needs cal…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Wm. B. Johnson GSM-500 Survey meter Geiger counter radiation with pancake probe

Nice survey meter, GSM-500. Auto-ranging for both CPM and Dose rate. Speaker works and all other functions work. Has a Wm. B Johnson pancake probe that detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X-Ray radiation. My pictures don…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Ludlum 14C Geiger counter survey meter radiation detector w/44-7 abyx probe

Nice and clean Ludlum 14C survey meter. Has Ludlum 44-7 probe that detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X-Ray emissions. Pictures show its condition and it detecting an old Radium clock dial. Battery compartment is clean …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Wm. B. Johnson GSM-115 Survey meter Geiger counter radiation HP 265 probe works

Like new GSM-115 Survey meter. No defects at all...Like New! 3rd picture shows it reading back ground radiation in my shop, about 50 cpm. HP-265 pancake probe detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X-Ray radiation. Pics 4 a…

1 month ago on ebay.com
eberline E-520 Geiger counter survey radiation detector w/pancake working

Nice Eberline E-520. This is basically the same as the Ludlum 14C with an internal GM tube for detecting higher radiation levels than the external probe can measure. Lower ranges are X 0.01, X 0.1, X 1.0 and X 10. I…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Eberline E-520 Geiger Counter survey meter radiation detector with HP 260 probe

Nice and clean E-520. Much like the Ludlum 14C this has both an internal GM tube and an external GM probe. The external probe is a pancake style HP-260 that detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X-Ray radiation. The intern…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Eberline E-520 with HP260, Geiger counter survey meter radiation detector, works

Nice E-520 by Eberline. Much like the Ludlum 14C in that it has an internal GM tube for measuring higher radiation than the external probe can handle (X 100 scale only). The external probe detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Business Classifieds