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1338 Results for Collectibles for sale in Mineralwells Wv - Classifieds

3 Sided radio broadcast ON AIR studio lighted sign light 120 Volts - BUY me NOW!

3 sided studio ON AIR lighted signWE HAVE SLASHED THE PRICE TO$59.95! These are the LAST 3 in stock! Here's the world standard when it comes to professional ON AIRstudio warning lights. Takes any color standard scre…

1 month ago on ebay.com
(4) Different NOS Vintage Telefunken logo badges possibly dealer - BUY IT NOW!

NOS set of 4 Telefunken Badges Here are 4 NOS (new old stock) possibly dealerpromotional badges with pin back. You are gettingall 4 shown and are all different logos. NOTE: Somemay have small rusty spots on the back…

1 month ago on ebay.com

Vtg 1992 ALL AMERICAN QUARTER HORSE CONGRESS LEATHER Sweatshirt. Condition is Gently used. Measures 22 inches from bottom of collar to hem and 19 inches from pit to pit. Ships priority mail

1 month ago on ebay.com
New BCM-1000-WC Broadcast Condenser Microphone Voiceovers, announcing - BUY NOW!

New Broadcast Barn BCM-1000-WC Condenser Microphone This is a new Broadcast Barn BCM-1000-WC quality condenser microphonespecifically designed for high quality broadcasting, voice-over and announcinguse but is dynam…

1 month ago on ebay.com
3 sided broadcast radio station ON AIR studio lighted sign 11~24 volt BUY NOW!

3 sided studio ON AIR lighted sign Here's the world standard when it comes to professional ON AIRstudio warning lights. LED lights with built in regulator. Operates on any 11~24volt DC power adapter. Non-breakable p…

1 month ago on ebay.com
New RCA style ON AIR light replacement face sign Heavy Duty UN-Breakable BUY NOW

RCA Style ON AIR replacement face Here is a new RCA style ON AIR replacement face. It is the SAME size,same size letters and style as the original RCA face and same backgroundcolor. The big difference is...this one …

1 month ago on ebay.com
180 degree radio broadcast ON AIR studio lighted sign light 12 Volts - BUY NOW!

180 degree studio ON AIR lighted sign Here's an inexpensive wall mount 180 degree visibility studio warninglight. Easy to mount, easy to wire. Has replaceable 12 volt DC LED bulbinside. Any small 12 volt DC wall ada…

1 month ago on ebay.com
New Broadcast Barn announcers BCM-1000 studio condenser microphone - BUY it NOW!

New Broadcast Barn BCM-1000 MicrophoneBuy it NOW...no waiting!Not available anywhere else on the internet! Here is a new BCM-1000 Broadcast condenser microphone.Has built in swivel yoke that mounts on standard 5/8" …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Mineralwells, WV Collectibles Classifieds